Why I scrape my tongue

These past 2 years using doTERRA essential oils has brought on a whole new learning curve which has brought about steady changes in my life.  All of which, if you said I would do a few years ago, I would have scoffed out loud.

One was the actual fact that I use essential oils and then using them to replace nearly all of our pills, medicine cabinet items, bathroom and beauty products, and cleaning products. The changes have been small and gradual over a period of time, where I have swapped out specific items when they ran out and replaced with a simple and homemade option that works better for me and overall, us.  It has saved money, saved me having to buy them form the shops and have also lowered our toxin intake, which can have such a huge and negative impact on our bodies over a period of time.
I have learned (and still learning) about meditation and the benefits it can provide for your health and wellbeing, abundance and manifesting your ideal life, I have started doing yoga and trying to move my body more and I have also looked at other aspects to create a healthy lifestyle.

This leads me to tongue scraping.  Now through doTERRA and the wider doTERRA community, I found out about tongue scraping and why it can be a good idea.  Not my usual bag but it seemed like it would be an interesting experiment and to buy one cost under £10, so I thought, why not?
Tongue scraping can help prevent bad breath (although consistency is key), can make the appearance of your tongue healthier as you are scraping toxins off your tongue, it removes bacteria, helps improve your sense of taste and can improve overall health by removing bacteria that can cause gum disease.
To perform tongue scraping, you’ll need the right tool which is quite simply a tongue scraper.  There are loads of options available from plastic, copper, and stainless steel.  I have chosen a copper one but you could also use an inverted spoon or toothbrush although they may not be as effective.

To perform tongue scraping, follow these steps:
  1. Stand in front of a mirror, open your mouth, and stick out your tongue.
  2. Gently set the rounded end of the tongue scraper at the back of your tongue.
  3. You might want to start at the middle of your tongue to prevent gagging and then gradually start further back as you get more comfortable with the process
  4. Gently pull the scraper to the front of your tongue to the tip and always go from the back of the tongue to the tip.
  5. After each scrape, use a washcloth or tissue to remove the gunk from the scraper.
  6. Repeat until you’ve scraped the entire surface of your tongue; one or two scrapes should do it on each area
  7. Wash the tongue scraper with warm water and soap, dry, and store in a clean, dry area.
The entire process usually takes less than two minutes and repeat as needed throughout the day. I find it best to do this before I do anything else in the morning and last thing at night.

Another great thing to to do detox is to have an essential oil epsom salt bath. Give yourself a time-out with a cup of epsom salts mixed with a drop or 3 of your favourite doTERRA essential oils and run in a warm-hot bath (not boiling hot) and soak yourself for 20 minutes once a week.  It is great for relaxation and also drawing out the toxins from your skin.

Let me know how it goes

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