Tools for emotional work

Essential oils are a great tool to help you with your emotions and working on them.  It is helpful to think about other tools that will help facilitate the healing process such as meditation, journaling, personal assessment, nature therapy and having healthy habits.

Meditation can have a  positive effect on your mental and emotional well-being and there are some great apps and meditations that you can find online and on You Tube.  Choose a  method that resonates with you and practice it consistently  to enhance the benefits of emotional healing as it is said that the benefits are compounded over time.  Some great essential oils to use are geranium, sandalwood, arborvitae and frankincense to name a few. Choose your favourite using a great resource, such as the Emotions & Essential Oils book which will help you on your way.

Journaling is a great way to put thoughts and feelings down on paper and a powerful tool fro processing emotional experiences. Three main journaling techniques are to keep a gratitude journal, write from your heart and head (free-writing) or letter writing where you write to yourself or someone else and work out your feelings.  This can help ease mental strain, release stagnant energy, lift mood, release fears, help creativity and help to create a sense of calm as you release your thoughts from your head on to paper. 

Try writing down your strengths and weaknesses to help acknowledge what is working in your life and what is not, to help you work out emotional balance.  It can help identify what your priorities are and give you an honest way of seeing what needs to be worked on as well as what you do well.

There are also significant benefits to be felt from spending time outdoors exercising, relaxing and meditating. Walking barefoot (grounding) in the grass or sand , putting your hands on the earth and walking through parks and natural areas with lots of trees is said to help make you feel centred, balanced and more at peace.  Try doing this when you feel stressed and take deep breaths just enjoying the smells and sound of nature.

There are a variety of therapies that can also be beneficial and this depends on what suits you and you feel comfortable with.  These range from music therapy, play therapy, energy work, subconscious work etc.  These paired with essential oils can benefit you greatly to assist in emotional healing and recovery.

Lastly, create healthy habits that help build up a strong base of physical health that will support your healing. Look at creating  healthy habits such as a good nights sleep, nutrition or at least cutting out a bad habit at a time, drinking more water and exercise.  Even a 20 minute walk or increasing your heart rate for short amounts of time once a day will help you to see the benefits.

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