Dry Brushing

I tried dry brushing tonight. Not sure how it pans out but I may continue for the week.

🛁 Dry brushing is used to remove dry skin and to promote blood flow throughout the body before bathing brushing your skin improves its appearance and overall health. As dead skin cells are cleared away, new ones are allowed to form, also allowing toxins to exit the body with the dead cells. Plus it stimulates the oil-producing glands in the skin, which protect the skin in addition to making it look and feel healthier.

To dry brush your own body, start at the toes. Slowly go to the feet, up your legs, and so on. Make sure to always work upward towards the heart.
Move the dry brush in an upward, circular motion. When you get to your stomach, use a counter-clockwise motion. Don’t press to hard - you can also incorporate essential oils with a carrier oil by placing them in your hand and running the brush across your hand then over your body

Essential oils to try are Cypress, Juniper Berry, Geranium or Lavender

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